Tuesday 4 March 2014

When it doesn't feel right, go left

How amazing is is that I came across this image on Instagram the day I had a blazing argument with yet another derm...

So yesterday I went to get a check up, because I'm on ciclo I have to go get my bloods taken and blood pressure checked every 3 weeks. My skin isn't in good shape right now, it's been worse but it's definitely also been better. So my derm asks me have I been using my steroid cream? (He prescribed me elocon a few weeks ago but I never picked up the prescription) I considered lying but to be honest I was just in one of those moods where I didn't feel like going along with his bullshit. So I told him that no, I hadn't. I was expecting a negative response but nothing even close to what I got. He basically told me I was stupid and naive, did I think I knew more than a medical professional? I answered that I knew my body more, it's my body, and I told him that, unlike him, I aren't encouraged or sponsored by pharmaceutical companies. It all got pretty heated and resulted in me storming out, albeit it with a prescription for more ciclo and atarax (thank god)

So, like the title says, this post is about going left when you feel like it's not right. It's so so hard to not listen to your doctor, your derm, your mum, your friends and to listen to your body instead. But I know this is right. And I can't wait to book an appointment with that derm when I'm healed, i'll be sure to take a photo of his face and post it here!

Hope you're all doing well and you have a better derm than I do
Love, S x


  1. Hi Sarah,
    Hope your doing well, I'm almost 2 weeks in to withdrawals and have an appointment to see my derm later today! Iv seen her once before and although she acknowledged that I shouldn't have used TS for a long period she still seemed wary about tsw. That was when I looked relatively normal and right now I look absolutely horrific, however your post has definitely given me the guts to stand up to her as I *know* she's is going to start shoving TS in my face as soon as she sees the state I'm in!
    Thank you for the motivation! Wish you all the best in healing x

    1. Hi! 2 weeks is fantastic well done, last time i only managed 1 so you're already 1 week ahead! seriously, well done. its the hardest thing ever and everyone that does it deserves a medal.
      definitely stand up to your derm, i thought that lying would be easier but honesty is the best policy. its your body and your skin and you know what's right.
      whatever you do don't go back to the topicals, it's just not worth it.
      no problem at all, i'm having a bit of a low day today so just re-reading this post has given me a bit of positivity so thank you for your comment.
      happy healing xxx

  2. Well done on sticking up for yourself like that . When he said "did I think you knew more than a medical professional? " ...you should of said "on this subject , i obviously do " haha .
    Happy healing .

    1. Haha I just don't know how they can be so clueless!
      Thank you, you too x

  3. Good for you!!!!! It's so difficult to speak up to them sometimes. I'm glad that you had the courage in that moment! And I'm REALLY GLAD that you got the Atarax despite the disagreement! WHEW! Are you planning on continuing the ciclo for now, I assume?

    1. Haha thank you! I think sometimes they just need telling. Yep still on ciclo and still not moisturising I'm actually starting to see (very minimal) results.. I'm a little bit less red and my arms are drying up and healing nicely, I still aren't off pred yet tho (I'm so sick of saying those words haha) so i'll keep you updated. How are you? X

  4. I feel like I'm always fighting a losing battle every time I see a GP or dermatologist! It gets to the point where I don't even want to go, or just pretty much don't say anything because it's easier. You're doing amazing and keep it up : )

    1. it's tiring isn't it! i always go in there so optimistic and hoping that they will at least TRY to be sympathetic or understanding since you know that is part of their job but always come out an angry crying mess! tut, nevermind, no docs or derms for me for another couple of weeks so i can just pretend they don't exist ;)
      thanks so much,are you withdrawing too?x

    2. I've tried (and failed) several times. It mostly my hands and legs and this week I decided enough was enough so I haven't picked up my prescription either : ) I'm struggling with the idea of coming off moisturisers as I literally claw my skin at night.

      So here's to getting off the steroids! x
