Saturday 22 March 2014


Ok so just checked the post and I have a letter from yesterday that was a copy of one my derm has sent to my gp. Now, luckily I'm the sort of person who laughs about things rather than cries about them as this is one of the sentences in the letter:

"Sarah has severe atopic chronic eczema that requires the use of steroids, possibly indefinitely. However Sarah refuses to admit this and wil not use steroids. Sarah actively refuses treatment which leads me to believe there may be some form of hypochondria involved"

HA! I'm literally all out of words. Sometimes I think my derm just likes to be a dick on purpose 😡

Anyway, I'm off to enjoy what's left of my weekend, hope you all do the same
S x


  1. LOL. I got referred to a hospital derm who said to me 'you will never get better without steroids' and also scoffed at the idea that people end up in withdrawals after using protopic! I look forward to the day the dermatological profession is forced to face up to TSA. Hope your skin is doing well!

    1. sorry for the slow reply! their attitude is so disrespectful and dismissive, i swear it shouldnt be legal! doctors are supposed to want to help us, not hinder us. my skin is doing okay, i hope you're healing well!xx

  2. WOW. What a show of ignorance on your dermatologist's part. Sorry you had to experience that. My derm also said that I would probably have to be on steroids for the rest of my life. Everyday, as my body continues to heal, I gain more and more evidence that that simply isn't the case. I'm glad that you're feeling confident that you are on the right path!

    1. sorry for the slow reply!
      derms drive me crazy. i'm so glad you're seeing improvement, some days its hard to remember that this is a process that will work, but theres so many inspirational people who have healed and so much proof that steroids arent the answer that we just have to push on.

      hope you're doing well xxx

  3. Yeah, my Derm said I had chronic eczema and would have to take steroids for the rest of my life. I told him to shove it. A few years ago I got copies of a past doctors records on me and in those records the asshole said I was an alcoholic because I said I drank two glasses of red wine per week. I find the majority of all of them to be arrogant, condescending, and have massive superiority complexes. Something about the way they are trained throughout college and medical school I think. But, it's we the people who look up to them like they are Gods so it's no wonder.

    1. srry for the slow reply!
      it's a total flaw in the system isn't it. i never thought i would go against a doctor's word until i started this process. but now i know to listen to my body and that's the way i will heal. x
