Wednesday 15 January 2014

Day 5 (Is that all?!)

Hi Guys,
Sorry about the lack of updates but I've been really suffering these past 4 days :(
My skin is like leather, or scales, or sandpaper, I'm not sure really, something really really red and really really flaky and really really dry and really really ANNOYING. To make things so much worse I've just started a new job and I am sitting in the training room itching like I've got a load of fire ants shoved in my clothes, constantly wriggling and itching and scratching. Luckily I've made friends with a lovely group of girls who are really sympathetic, even if they don't totally understand my TSW (it's pretty hard to explain isn't it!)
Anyway I'm just plodding along really, nothing new to report apart from the fact that I now wake up pretty much soaking wet every morning since I FEEL as though I'm freezing but in actuality I'm sweating and oozing all over the place. Great. I've got to be the most attractive person on this planet.

I've joined some forums and things so that I can get a bit of support. It would be lovely to be able to skype or speak over the phone with someone who is going through TSW...if anyone fancies this please get in touch. I've been updating my mum daily and crying down the phone to her (ha) but she doesn't really understand and she worries, with not living in the same city as me. So I'm on the hunt for a (preferably UK based) fellow TSW friend. It could be you....!

I'm going to post some photos from Day 2 in a second, I meant to do it on the actual day but really I've just not been feeling up to it. I've got a TINY bit of positive energy in me today so that's how I've found the time to write this post.

S x


  1. I have Skype so I would love to Skype with you!! My name is Geanna Bell and I live in the USA sadly.

    1. That's amazing id love that! I'm hardly ever on Skype but if you add me i'll make a conscious effort to sign in ha :) my skype is sarahecg

    2. YAY!!! One contact request coming your way! Look for a request from

  2. Hi, I'm going back through your posts and they are so helpful to me. This post explains exactly what's been happening to me. I was a little afraid because I wasn't sure if the freezing sweating thing was normal. Would you mind communicating with me over email? I've reached out to a few other people who have gone through this but haven't heard back. Would be so nice to talk to someone who's been through this I feel so in the dark. My email is (no u in Cortney) thank you so much!

    1. Hey! I'm so glad you found this and that you can see that it is is normal <3 of course! I will send you an email right now. There is also a big group of us on facebook that you can join, over 5000 members. I will send you the link by email xxx
