Friday 17 January 2014

1 week Topical Steroid FREE

Yep, only 1 week, I bet to some of you that seems like nothing and I know it's a tiny step in my big long scary journey but I'm proud of it.
I think of it this way:
Those 7 days I went through hell? Those are 7 days of healing. 7 days to bring me closer to healthy, steroid-free, (and hopefully eczema-free) skin. How exciting is that?!
Yesterday I received a really helpful and inspirational comment from a fellow blogger, Tracey (go read Tracey's topical steroid withdrawal blog!) She told me to remember that this is my CURE. All those years I cried about my skin and wished for a cure? Well here it is! I just have to find the strength to carry on through this difficult journey and keep my spirits high.

It's not always easy, today was really difficult, I'm just starting training in my new job and it's a lot of sitting around doing nothing which means a lot of time to sit concentrating on just how much my skin hurts! And tonight I have to work a shift at my OLD place of work, 16 hours work + tight itchy rashy skin = :( 
BUT (I'm making a serious commitment to myself to always include a positive in my posts!) tomorrow is Saturday and I get to sit in an Oatmeal bath all day long. Ha no but seriously tomorrow and Sunday are all mine, but I'm going to try to get some exercise to get those lymphs flowing and then my mum is coming to look after me on Sunday which I'm really excited about. Sometimes we all just need a hug from our mum don't we?

1 week down, LORD knows how many to go!
Staying strong.
S x


  1. Hi Sarah. Good luck! Are You taking supplements at all?

    I really recommend vitamin d3!!!! I gave up steroids at New Year and I'm taking vit d, prebiotics and omega 3 as well as using all natural skincare and my eczema has remained calm and not flared up worse (Which tends to happen after I stop applying Steroids) . Might help you to? ??

    I also meditate when I'm feeling itchy and it helps to calm me! ! Try headspace is free :)

    Good luck

  2. Also look at eczema excellence blog. This is a young lady who had been through TSW and is now eczema free!!

  3. Hi there!
    I just stopped using ts as well (stopped on the 28th of December) and its coming at me bad!
    I don't have a bathtub like so many others so I can't relief the itch somehow, but I moisturise with coconut oil and that helps a little. I also have a blog : but it's in Swedish but I'm sure the Internet can translate it... Good luck to you!!
    (And sorry for my crappy English :))

  4. Hi everyone
    Thanks so much for your comments!
    I'm currently in hospital, my skin flared so badly and got infected so I'm on antibiotics and a drip. I'll write a post when I'm home to keep you all updated
    Sarah x

  5. And i'll answer you all properly when I'm better too it really do appreciate all your advice x

  6. Omg I hope you are getting better soon!
    Take care.. Jo x
