Monday 25 August 2014

ITSAN Forum Anniversary!

Very soon, the ITSAN forum will be 1 year old, that's almost a year of the most helpful and life changing advice available on the internet for skin sufferers.

Here's a link to a beautifully written blog post by inspirational TSW veteran Louise (CLICK) who has put it much better than I could!

If you're new to TSW or haven't had chance to look at the ITSAN website or forum just yet please take the time to do so today! It really is a wealth of information and it has changed mine and many others' lives for the better.

Skin update coming soon,

S x

Thursday 7 August 2014


I've been really getting into yoga lately. My skin is okay, it stings a lot when I sweat but I feel like the exercise is good for me. Yoga's particularly good because it's not too strenuous, the Sun Salutations mean my heart gets racing but it's not too excessive to make me feel like I'm gonna pass out!

It also helps that I've joined a lovely yoga school called White Wolf Yoga which is based in a great venue just on the outskirts of the city that has a rooftop terrace. Yoga on the roof with a cityscape sunset setting, I can't argue with that!

Anyway, I don't know how many of you are familiar with yoga but I'm sure you'll have heard of the Warrior Pose:

It's a great pose and I always spare a thought for all the TSW warriors whenever I take it. I know I've talked about this before but I really can't put across enough how amazing everyone in the community is, we're such a strong, supportive group and I'm proud of us all!

If anyone fancies releasing their inner warrior here's how:

 Keep on keeping on warriors x